Access logbook

The access logbook contains a list of all bookings at all DoorLocks integrated in the system. Each entry contains a timestamp, the DoorLock on which the booking was made, the user who made the booking and the booking status.

However, only those logbook entries are visible to a user for which they are authorized based on their user group and the access profiles assigned to them.

As soon as a network camera has been assigned to the DoorLock, several images are recorded when a booking is made on the DoorLock (only if an SD card is inserted in the connected AccessManager of the DoorLock). These images can be viewed in the access logbook.

KentixONE offers various filters and search functions to help you find specific entries in the list more quickly. The list can be restricted via a time period, a positive booking and other filters. In addition, the search function can be used to filter explicitly for a user or a DoorLock.

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