The notifications function offers the option of informing users specifically about alarms, warnings or the status of the system.
Depending on the hardware and the communication channels provided, this can be sent by email, SMS or as a push message to the Kentix app on mobile devices.
The notification settings are a combination of the communication channel settings, the configuration of the individual alarms and their switching status and the user control.
The communication settings are used to provide the notification channels.
The type of alarms is selected for the respective sensor values (armed/permanently active, fire, sabotage…)
The user settings determine which communication channel is used to receive notifications from which alarm group and which type of alarms the user receives.
Setting up communication
Push notifications to mobile devices
The use of the KentixONE app requires a valid and activated license for KentixONE Plan. The main device requires a permanent connection to the Internet.
Server-related settings are made in the “Configuration”–>”Communication”–>”E-mail” dialog.
KentixONE Cloud Mail Service
KentixONE Plan includes an email service for sending emails via the cloud. This eliminates the need to set up and use your own server. To use this service, select the “KentixONE (Cloud)” option.
Own mail server
You need the server address, a valid account as the sender address and information about the server’s security settings
Alerts via SMS are possible if a SIM card has been inserted and activated in the AlarmManager or SiteManager. Settings for the SIM card can be found in the“Mobile radio” menu.
Alarm groups and alarms
Alarm groups
Each device is assigned to an alarm group.
Notification settings are inherited from the parent group.
If this option is disabled, separate settings are used for this alarm group.
Signaling area
The signaling range determines in which range an alarm occurs.
This is the current alarm group of the device in basic settings and can be extended to other alarm groups.
When setting up alarm messages, this assignment must be observed, otherwise alarms will not be issued.
Each sensor is assigned to an alarm (continuous/armed-active, fire, sabotage, etc.)
Warnings can also be defined for many measured values.
Set up the notifications
The sending of messages is set up in the individual settings for the users.
Contact details
The notification in the KentixONE app requires a prior invitation to the user from the system as well as their successful login to the Kentix Cloud.
Valid contact details of the user must be stored for the respective communication channel.
Alarm groups
The user can receive alarms and warnings from all or only selected alarm groups.
The desired communication channel can be selected for each alarm type in the grid display of the notifications.
SMS dispatch
Modem is not ready
Check the correct orientation and position in the SIM card slot.
Modem Error 30″ error message
The modem could not be initialized. Disconnect the AlarmManager from the power supply for at least 30 minutes. At the following startup, the modem will try to start again.
The GSM service used has stopped supporting 3G
The modem can be replaced with a more recent version. Contact your installer or Kentix support.
Email dispatch
The user does not receive notifications
Test the sending of the mail in the user profile. If the mail is sent, a spam filter or another security setting of the receiving mail server could be the cause. Also check the assignment of alarm groups, alarms and the range of alarms in the alarm group. In addition, incorrect settings of the maximum number of alarms in the alarm group can lead to suppression of the dispatch.
The mail account does not require you to specify a username and password
Some mail accounts allow you to use them without logging in with username and password. These accounts are available for use with KentixONE from version 8.3.6. are possible.