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  4. How can I address the SMS gateway of an AlarmManager/SiteManager (with GSM) from a SiteManager/Docker (without GSM) via the API?
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  3. How can I address the SMS gateway of an AlarmManager/SiteManager (with GSM) from a SiteManager/Docker (without GSM) via the API?

How can I address the SMS gateway of an AlarmManager/SiteManager (with GSM) from a SiteManager/Docker (without GSM) via the API?

If you operate a SiteManager or Docker Container without integrated GSM modem as main device and an AlarmManager/SiteManager with GSM modem is additionally available in your system, SMS alerting via webhooks and API can be implemented as an additional reporting path.

  1. Activate the SMS gateway in the AlarmManager under Configuration –> GSM and assign a password for the gateway
  2. In AlarmManger, copy the API token of an administrator
  3. In SiteManager, create a webhook with the PUT method and the following destination url https://<IP AlarmManager>/api/sms-gateway
  4. Select Bearer Token as authentication and enter the API token from AlarmManager
  5. For the content of the webhook choose JSON format
  6. You configure the following JSON code as content
      "+491751209712", "+4915753654543"
   "body": "In der Zone $GROUP_NAME$ ist beim Sensor $DEVICE_NAME$ ein $ACTIVE_ALARM_SENSOR_NAME$-Alarm aufgetreten, Messwert: $ACTIVE_ALARM_MEASUREMENT_VALUE$"

You now assign the configured webhook to all desired alarm groups so that it is executed when an alarm occurs.

Webhook configuration to control the SMS gateway at the AlarmManager

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