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  3. How to use a new service card clone (replacement of the service card) of the master card set

How to use a new service card clone (replacement of the service card) of the master card set


To teach Kentix wireless locking components, a so-called master card set is required.
This essentially consists of two cards, the SYSTEM CARD and the SERVICE CARD with the imprint Servicekey.

System map

SYSTEM CARD with imprinted system key

Service card

SERVICE CARD for teaching-in, re-learning and un-learning of components

Only the system key is printed on the SYSTEM CARD and no other function. It is therefore only used for archiving the plant key.

The SYSTEM CARD must be stored in a loss-proof manner. We additionally recommend the digital storage of the plant key

The SERVICE CARD, on the other hand, contains the system key and is required for teaching and managing the Doorlock radio locking components. As a rule, the SERVICE CARD is only required once for the actual teach-in, i.e. the pairing of the wireless component with the AccessManager.

Both cards are therefore of great importance for the function of the locking system and must be stored with appropriate care.
With the system key printed on the SYSTEM CARD, a so-called card clone of the SERVICE CARD can be ordered at any time. This ensures that the locking system can still be managed in the event of a defect or loss of the SERVICE CARD.

A SERVICE CARD CLON can be reordered from Kentix by presenting the system key. A SERVICE CARD CLONE always replaces the old SERVICE CARD. Since the new SERVICE CARD CLON establishes its own encryption between the wireless locking component and the AccessManager, the old SERVICE CARD of existing components must first be unprogrammed in order to program the new SERVICE CARD. To do this, first reset the radio component with the new SERVICE CARD and then reconnect it to the AccessManager.
It is important that when resetting the DoorLock, the connected AccessManager is disconnected from the network (PoE). There must no longer be a radio connection.
For new components, nothing has to be observed; here, the standard teach-in procedure has to be carried out.
Existing components can continue to be operated with the original configuration. The new service card is therefore only used when components have to be retrained, relearned or untrained.
When using DoorLock Basic knobs, the DEMONTAGE CARD and the BATTERY REPLACEMENT CARD must also be reprogrammed when using the new SERVICE CARD. These are included with the order of a new clone master card set.

The SERVICE CARD CLONE serves exclusively as a replacement for lost or defective SERVICE CARD. Parallel use is not recommended.

The following steps must be observed when relearning a DoorLock locking component to a new SERVICE CARD CLON:

  1. Before activating the new SERVICE CARD, make sure that the DoorLock radio component is no longer connected to the AccessManager (KXP-16-x-x). Disconnect the AccessManager from the network (PoE).
  2. Hold the new SERVICE CARD in front of the reading unit of the device and keep it there until the programming mode is automatically terminated (15 seconds). Then wait 5 seconds.
  3. Hold the new SERVICE CARD in front of the reader again and leave it in front of the reader. The DoorLock device signals the deletion of the old card by short beeps.
    Leave the SERVICE CARD in front of the reader until the signaling stops.
  4. After that, the SERVICE CARD can be used again by default. For more info on the corresponding components, see the Quick Start Guide.
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